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Below are some resources to help you prepare a reimbursement request in E3B.

You can receive reimbursements for travel- and research- related expenses from the following resources:

  • Annual E3B Conference Funding of $450, available to any student who is traveling for a research conference

  • E3B Travel Fund or GSAS Grant - read more here

  • Your advisor: funding may be available from your advisor to support research activities related to their lab. This must be agreed upon ahead of any incurred expenses

  • ​

There is an example of a full reimbursement request on this page, but you can find even more examples here. If you have any questions you are welcome to reach out to the Treasury Chair. 

Reimbursement Checklist

  1. Expense Worksheet

    • Expense numbers match the names of corresponding receipt pdf

    • Business purposes are details and include:​

      • What was purchased​

      • Where it was purchased

      • Why it was purchased

      • How this expense is related to Columbia/E3B

  2. Receipts as separate PDFs under 5MB

    • Costs for each item purchased must be clear on the reciept

    • Form of payment listed (i.e. cash or credit card with last 4 digits listed)

  3. Attach any additional documents, for example:

    • Travel in your own vehicle - include the google maps screenshot​

    • Lodging expense - make sure the receipt lists cost per night and the dates of the stay. If it doesn't you can usually request this from the vendor and attach it separately. 

    • Flights - if your dates of travel extend beyond a day on either side of the event you are traveling for (i.e. official conference dates), include a flight comparison (see below for more details)

    • Conference travel - provide a poster of the conference with the dates, location, and name of the conference. You may also need to provide evidence that you were a speaker, if you are receiving grant funding

    • Purchases on behalf of other people - include a list of the people who the purchases were made for, what their E3B affiliation is, and for what reason the purchase was made

Before You Travel

This only applies to travel for which you need reimbursement from the department - personal travel and non-reimbursed travel does not need to be pre-approved

  1. Get travel approval

    • For PhD students: approve the travel with your advisor and inform the DGS and e3bfinance (e.g. in an email with advisor cc'ed) of upcoming travel dates and any travel/reimbursement questions you have in advance

    • For MA students: approve the travel with the DMAP and inform E3B Finance (in an email with the DMAP cc'ed) of upcoming travel dates and any travel/reimbursement questions you have in advance

    • Unapproved travel will not be reimbursed

  2. Secure grant funding ahead of time

    • Make sure you have applied in advance for the E3B Travel Grant and any GSAS matching travel funds.

    • NOTE: GSAS also provides a non-profiled payee expense worksheet. Please do not use this until you have the OK from the E3B office

  3. Let the office know of any additional logistical concerns, such as field assistants that will need to be paid

Submitting a Reimbursement Request

Expenses must be submitted within 10 days after the trip end date and no later than 120 days from the date of the first expense. Expenses submitted after the 120 days will be processed at the department's discretion.


Be sure to send all reimbursement requests to and one of the team members will assist you. Current processing time is 10-14 days.


Additionally, if this is your first time submitting a reimbursement request, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Columbia Travel Expense Policy. Relevant policy text is also shown in the next section, below.


    • ​The expense worksheet must be submitted alongside individual pdfs of each receipt.

    • Per E3B policy, a receipt must be provided for reimbursement

    • Line items on the expense worksheet must be in order of transaction date as displayed on the receipt and the expense number should correspond to the filename for each corresponding receipt (e.g. Expense No. 1 corresponds to exp1.pdf).

      • Please see the example reimbursement request above


    • You must retain all of your receipts to be reimbursed, even if the amount is under $50. 

    • The best practice when traveling, or in the field, is to take a photo of the receipt immediately

      • Screenshots without purchase or service details are not sufficient (i.e. if the receipt just lists the total amount you paid without breaking out individual line items, it will not work for reimbursement)

      • If your name or payment method/credit card info is not visible on the receipt you will also need bank statement information.

    • Receipts must be saved as individual PDFs that do not exceed 5MB. Please do not send images, jpegs, HEIC files etc. We are unable to reformat receipts for you.

    • Any expenses with a lost receipt or with insufficient information will not be eligible for reimbursement.


    • The business purpose on the expense sheet must be detailed. It should include the following information:It must be detailed i.e.: Flight from NYC to Toronto to present PhD dissertation research at the Canadian Ecological Society Conference 8/1-8/3.

      • What was purchased

      • What reason - including location of travel/charge

      • How is it related to Columbia? 

      • QUESTIONS: what about vendor, and the example does not have relation to Columbia? What about information about people? Does this line need to be repeated every time? What about the date? Do we need a when? 

      • Some examples:

        • Flight from NYC to Toronto for Columbia PhD student to present dissertation research at the Canadian Ecological Society Conference, in Toronto, Canada,  8/1-8/3

    • Foreign language receipts

      • Foreign language receipts require a brief description/translation in the expense worksheet, the original email request, or on the PDF receipt document itself

    • Field assistants:​

      • Please reach out to the office if you plan to work with field assistants

      • You will need to provide a detailed explanation what services were provided:

        • i.e. "Field Technician to assist with collecting survey data for Dissertation Research"

    • Meals and Alcohol

      • Itemized receipts are required for meals - this means each separate item of food and its cost must be listed

      • There is an institutional threshold for how much is allowed to be reimbursed for a meal. The thresholds are:

        • Breakfast: $25

        • Lunch: $35

        • Dinner: $75

      • QUESITION - what do we do if the meal cost exceeds the threshold? 

      • Alcohol is a "segregated expense" and not allowed on external grant-funded travel

      • On CU unrestricted funded travel (E3B funding) it is allowed, but the amount paid for alcohol vs. other food must be clear on the reciept


    • When purchasing tickets for ground travel such as the subway, train, or car rentals this is treated as any other purchase, and all the guidelines above regarding receipts applies

      • If you are renting a car, tolls and gas receipts are also submitted as regular purchases​

    • When using your own vehicle, you can request a mileage-based reimbursement instead of using the receipts for gas. This will take into account wear-and-tear on the car, and you will be reimbursed a fixed amount as determined federally​

      • For this type of reimbursement, include a screenshot of a Google maps directions between your starting and ending location, and fill out the business purpose with a detailed explanation of the travel and include the mileage (if it is round-trip, specify that and remember to double the mileage!)​

      • Leave the final amount blank, the office will fill it out for you


    • For conference travel, please provide a screenshot or image of a poster for the conference that includes the conference name, location, and dates.

    • If you are applying the $$$ annual travel fund to this expense report, you must also provide proof that you are a presenter at the conference, e.g. a conference schedule with your name and presentation title or similar documentation.

      • Reimbursement for charges that exceed this amount will need to be arranged with your advisor, or other funding sources


    • Your receipt for lodging must include dates and an itemized list of expenses. It must specify the cost per day of the lodging and any additional expenses

      • If you do not receive an itemized receipt for lodging automatically, you can often request it

    • Using AirBnb is strongly discouraged by Columbia University Accounts Payable

      • For this reason, you may not reimburse airbnbs unless you have an incredibly strong argument

      • It would be best to avoid AirBnbs altogether as reimbursement cannot be guaranteed.


    • Your flight receipt must include dates of travel, origin, destination, flight time, cost of ticket, and any other expenses itemized individually (e.g. bag charges)

    • For conference travel, flight dates must not exceed more than 1 day on both sides of the official conference dates

      • If you elect to extend your travel dates, or travel to or from a different destination than NYC, then you must provide documentation of flight comparisons to be reimbursed for your flight. This is some form of documentation of the cost of a coach/economy class round-trip flight on the conference days from NYC to the conference destination, in addition to your actual flight receipt.

      • This can be a fellow conference-goer's receipt (who just travelled from NYC to the conference and back), a screenshot of the checkout page for that flight, or a screenshot from a site like google flights or Expedia with all the necessary information visible

      • You will be reimbursed for the cheaper flight

      • Note that the best way to do this is usually to get this information on the same day you book your actual flight, and save the screenshot along with your receipts


Graduate Resource Association of Student Scientists

Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology

Columbia University

©2024 by GRASS

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