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Submit Content for the Site!

This google form is the one-stop shop for submitting any new content or changes to the website! You can...

  • Submit a new profile photo for the directory

  • Update any directory information you want included or excluded (e.g. a personal website!)

  • Point out typos

  • Submit photos for the gallery

  • Submit your own photos that we can use to spruce up the website a bit

  • Submit a personal email address so people can find you after you leave

  • Suggest changes/updates

  • Request anything else you'd like!

Jewel Weevil.JPG

Propose a New Subcommittee

Please use this form to submit a proposal for a new committee. You will need the following information:

  • Who is going to be the inaugural committee chair (usually, that's you!)

  • What are the goals of the committee?

  • What kind of events will the committee run?

  • What kind of funding will the committee need?

  • How big do you anticipate the committee will be?


Graduate Resource Association of Student Scientists

Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology

Columbia University

©2024 by GRASS

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